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Virginia Community College System



Allavine Curtis

Virginia Community College System


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Posted By Allavine Curtis 07-06-2018 09:18 AM
Found In Library: South African Presentations
Do your queries run long and you don’t how to tune them without getting a DBA involved? This presentation will cover how an Oracle database processes your query, and will show you how to tune your query with little DBA intervention.
Posted By Allavine Curtis 07-06-2018 09:18 AM
Found In Library: South African Presentations
Do your queries run long and you don’t how to tune them without getting a DBA involved? This presentation will cover how an Oracle database processes your query, and will show you how to tune your query with little DBA intervention.
Posted By Allavine Curtis 07-06-2018 09:17 AM
Found In Library: South African Presentations
At Virginia Community College System, we had to interface with a third party vendor. We created our interface using a component interface and used the Integration Broker wizard to convert it to a service. This presentation will show you step-by-step how we did it.
Posted By Allavine Curtis 07-06-2018 09:17 AM
Found In Library: South African Presentations
At Virginia Community College System, we had to interface with a third party vendor. We created our interface using a component interface and used the Integration Broker wizard to convert it to a service. This presentation will show you step-by-step how we did it.