Data, data everywhere, and not a drop to drink!!! We’re surrounded by a wealth of data and the way we parse and present it to make data easily understandable and actionable is the theme of these following presentations. Learn best practice methods to make the most of presenting data. Find out...
We have a great selection of thought-provoking vendor presentations for the CRM track at Alliance 2022. Alliance would not be the great conference that it is without the help and support of our vendors. Vendors provide excellent advice in educating us, and helping us select, scope, implement...
Alliance 2022 in Seattle is just around the corner – the first in-person conference in what seems like forever. It’s hard to believe we’ve been remote for only two years. Alliance 2021 Virtual was a great event - the presentations and networking sessions were excellent, but there’s something...
Boise State's Salesforce Marketing Cloud project began this past April. Since that time, the project team has met regularly with Boise State's Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) and University Foundations. While we initially cast a wide net for our first phase of implementation, we...
Since going live with our Oracle CX CRM implementation, we at UniSA have been on an evolving journey to try and consolidate and dissect the enormous volume of data being captured across our enterprise CRM. While many SaaS CRM offerings will provide their own reporting modules, with varying...
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In the midst of the pandemic last year, Boise State initiated a multi-month effort to develop a new strategic plan. From the many engagement sessions and listening tours, the Strategic Planning Steering Committee developed a vision, mission, and goals that will write Boise State's next chapter. ...
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