The McMaster Operations group looks after most of the process ("batch") scheduling for all PeopleSoft streams at McMaster University. With limited funding available for workload automation software (such as BMC Control-M), jobs sets, jobs, processes and queries are scheduled or run manually. The...
Topics covered: 1) Branding: a) What's new?; b) Tips and Tricks; c) JavaScript Injection Framework 2) Fluid/UI Productivity Freatures: a) Intuitive approach for 'New Window' in Fluid; b) Smart Notifications - Integrating FavIcon and Page Title with Push Notifications; c) Responsive/User...
Simon will talk about how the University of Cambridge has provided their PeopleSoft Campus Solutions users with: • a new simplified user access request process • transparency around the access they have, and can request • the ability for key super-users to approve and audit who has access to...
2 attachments
We’ve all sat in presentations looking at pretty pictures stating the benefits of using the Fluid interface, but how do you actually go about setting it up in practice? This session aims to give you a practical overview of the Functional skills and knowledge needed to make a success of your own...
A Functional Approach To Implementing Fluid - HEUG EMEA 2017.pptx
University of Wisconsin - Platteville implemented Campus Solutions 9.2 and PeopleTools 8.55 during the summer of 2017. One of the many challenges its users faced was designing student, applicant, and faculty homepages and tiles. This presentation will go over creating a homepage, creating a few...
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