
Student Financials PAG Nominations

By Bonnie Raper posted 08-20-2014 10:09 AM


As you know, the Student Financials Product Advisory Group is a HEUG-affiliated group that acts in an advisory capacity to the Oracle SF Development team.  Our most important functions are:

  • Facilitating communication about specific product features, problems, and opportunities.
  • Soliciting feedback from the SF community, synthesizing that feedback, and conveying it to Oracle product strategists and developers.
  • Advocating to Oracle, on behalf of the SF community, for enhancements, new functionality, and resolutions to problems.
  • Administering the SF track at the annual Alliance Conference

Each year new members are selected to serve on the SF PAG.  Members can expect to spend several hours each month working on PAG activities and should plan to attend the Alliance Conferences during their tenure as well as the annual two-day Summit held prior to the conference. 

Nominations for open positions on the SF PAG are now being accepted through September 8.  This year’s process will be slightly different as HEUG members will have an opportunity to vote on eligible nominees.  More details on that process will be available in the coming weeks.

To submit a nomination, please click here. Please be sure and fill out the form completely.  If you want more information on the PAG and what we do, click here to view the group descriptions.  And if you wish to find the current list of PAG members, click here

This is a great opportunity to help your SF community impact product design, prioritize development efforts, assist in the creation of educational programs to understand new technology, and also provides you the opportunity to enhance your own professional development.  Consider nominating yourself or someone else today!

