
SR PAG quarterly update - June 2010

By Debby Hill posted 06-30-2010 01:35 PM


The Student Records PAG members have continued working on the following goals discussed at the PAG Summit:

1.       Expand and discuss the list of strategic issues through surveying the SR community.  Initial strategic initiatives discussed at 2010 Alliance include the following:
·         Early warning of at-risk students
·         Expanded transcript data to include student life
·         Predictive course demand analysis
·         Integration of progression planning into degree reporting and enrollment services
·         Tracking students for federal and state initiatives
·         Improving study abroad functionality
·         Platforms for Community Development

Action taken: Emails to were sent out soliciting strategic initiatives to include in discussions with Oracle.

2.       Prioritize the Issues Tracker Items

Action taken:  Issue tracker items were categorized with sub-types and divided among the members for additional research.  Since April the SR PAG members have had 4 additional conference calls dedicated solely to reviewing the issue tracker items submitted by the user community.  The calls were to determine items that could be addressed through strategic initiatives with broader functionality and impact to the user community.  The next steps will be to combine the strategic initiatives with SR’s past ‘Top 15’ list and categorize areas for future Oracle direction and design. 

3.       Communicate with the Student Records community more frequently on SR PAG activities and solicit more user community feedback.

Action taken: A June newsletter from the SR PAG was distributed June 29 through a HEUG blog and the SR listserv.  Some of the topics in the newsletter included PeopleTools 8.5 and a Case Study webinar scheduled in July; tips on using My Oracle Support; and the value added through Oracle roadmaps.  Additional newsletters are planned for the next quarter to update the community on the strategic initiatives and recommendations to Oracle along with call for presentations and call for nominations.

4.       Continue working with Oracle on initiatives and give direction on potential ‘quick wins’ or bugs and fixes.

Action taken: With Oracle’s participation on each monthly and extra ‘issue tracker’ call, the SR PAG has identified areas where potential fixes (quick wins/bugs) can be incorporated with future releases.

1 comment



06-30-2010 04:46 PM

SR PAG quarterly update - June 2010

Forgive me, folks...trying to get the blog to copy and paste.  Stay tuned.  :-(