
TRAG Data Quality, Reporting and Analytics-Did You Know These Reporting-Related Sessions Will Be Presented at Alliance 2023?

By Dede Young posted 02-01-2023 09:00 AM


Monday, February 27

BI Publisher: Tips, Tricks, and Programming to Build a Powerful Report – Part 1; Part 2

Session Synopsis:  “This presentation will go into a suggested methodology when brainstorming a sample BI Publisher report, followed by some step-by-step examples of utilizing the BI Publisher Toolbar. In the second half of the presentation, numerous examples of leveraging programming code will be covered, along with other tips and tricks as time permits.”

Presenter:                          Christopher Pokorny, Cleveland State University

Session:                               9530 (Part 1); 9534 (Part 2)

Time:                                     2:30-3:30pm (Part 1); 4:00-5:00pm (Part 2)


Aggregate and Analytic Expressions in PS Query

Session Description:  “In this presentation we will look at aggregate and analytic expressions in PS Query.  We will cover basic aggregates as well as LISTAGG.  Analytic expressions provide a wealth of possibility.  We will look at OVER, PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, ROW NUMBER, RANK and DENSE RANK and see the possibilities provided by PS Query are more than just lists.”

Presenter:                          Paula McDaniel, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Session:                               9770

Time:                                     4:00-5:00pm


Tuesday, February 28


PS Query Subqueries – They are JUST criteria…yeah right!

Session Synopsis:  “This presentation is an in depth look at subquery uses with examples and context. Understanding the value of subqueries and how to properly construct them. Understanding the available options are essential to the query writer's toolbox.”


Presenter:                          Brian Fogarty, The Pennsylvania State University

Session:                               9557

Time:                                     9:00-10:00am


UNION MADE! – A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Your First Union in PSQuery Part 1; Part 2

Session Synopsis:  “Creating Unions in PSQuery can be an intimidating process, even for intermediate users. But it doesn't need to be. Once you know the rules, it's a matter of following a few simple steps.”


Presenter:                          Scott Frey, University of Colorado

Session:                               9549 (Part 1); 9887 (Part 2)

Time:                                     9:00-10:00am (Part 1); 10:30-11:30am (Part 2)


Weave the Good Tale: How to Present your Data with Contextual Narrative

Session Synopsis:  “In this presentation, we will go back to the basics of narrative writing and then look at how we can apply the features and structure of narration to data visualization with the ultimate goal of transforming a visualization or dashboard into a compelling story.”

Presenter:                          Anna Kourouniotis, Duke University

Session:                               9520

Time:                                     10:30-11:30am


What Microsoft Power Query Can Do for You in Excel

Session Description:  “In this presentation, you will learn what Power Query can do for you in Excel, how to extract, transform and load data, and how to create reports and data analytic dashboards. Bring your laptop (optional) with you so we can create reports and dashboards together and have fun!”

Presenter:                          Yau Lau, University of Wisconsin Extended Campus

Session:                               8669

Time:                                     10:30-11:30am


Wednesday, March 1

Data Integration and Data Delivery Panel

Session Description:  “Come ask questions and learn from a panel of individuals using different platforms to facilitate data integration and data delivery at their respective institutions. Integrations are a key challenge in today's world where data is harvested, transformed and transported from on-premise and Cloud based applications using APIs, events, streams, data virtualization and other transport methods.  IPaaS platforms used by the panelist include Dell Boomi and Informatica Cloud.”

Presenter:                          Russ Scadden, Brigham Young University

Co-Presenter:                    Terry Houser, University of Virginia

Co-Presenter:                    Mihaela Corner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Co-Presenter:                    Luke Rowley

Session:                               9849

Time:                                     9:00-10:00am


You don’t need a developer for the Degree Verify file! Check out what a database analyst did instead!

Session Synopsis:  “If you are in the lucky [or unlucky] position to need to develop a solution for extracting and reporting certificate, degree, and other educational information for the NSC's DegreeVerify service, then perhaps I can give you a few ideas. Join me as I describe the process, data elements, and technologies used to create and submit the final file.”

Presenter:                          Anna Kourouniotis, Duke University

Session:                               9576

Time:                                     11:00-11:30am


Peoplesoft Reporting Web Services – Quick and Easy

Session Description:  “At the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg we have started using Peoplesoft delivered Reporting Web Services as a quick and easy integration method to provide third party systems with information from the Student System. You do not need to create a new web service for each new data extract, you would just create a query using peoplesoft query. It allows you to provide eithier SOAP or REST services quickly. I will walk you thru the process of setting this up and providing some examples and use cases at our school.”

Presenter:                          Suren Govenden, University of the Witwatersrand

Session:                               9725

Time:                                     12:00-12:30pm


How to be a PeopleSoft data hero, even if you are more functional than technical

Session Description:  “I've always been on the functional side, but since we were a smaller shop I often had to pull data from PeopleSoft. I'll offer some tips and tricks that led me to be a data hero pulling data from PeopleSoft (or any other SIS).”


Presenter:                           Jennifer Bayless

Session:                               9734

Time:                                     1:30-2:00pm


