
Mid-year update

By Jane Baratta posted 06-14-2021 01:39 PM


We hope you are well and managing to make your way through the pandemic without too many trials and tribulations.

To continue keeping everyone safe HEUG is not having an in-person CHEUG conference this year and will be putting on another International Virtual Week (IVW). You may have seen a recent email from HEUG about this. We will soon be looking for people to submit session outlines. User-led sessions are very valuable to us all. They are full of useful information on how a problem has been resolved or an innovative new process has been developed. Start thinking about what you could share with us all!

We are working on a list of items that need to be addressed by Oracle to improve functionality for all of us in Canada. An updated version of the T2202 was delivered by Oracle in 2019 and now it needs to be enhanced. What are the gaps in the process? Let us know. We need to hear from you! If you'd like to participate in the initial discussions please join the HEUG Canadian Regional Group. We know that there is an issue with the French version of the software. Several fields do not accommodate the length of some of the data items once they are rendered in French. Please reach out to the Executive with any issue that you think should be championed.

HEUG is a community and we want our Canadian HEUG to be a vibrant community within that group. We need you to be involved in the process. We know that there are many talented and resourceful individuals out there and we want you on the team. Don't expect someone else to do it - reach out and volunteer! 

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Your CHEUG Executive.
