
FA-PAG News Notes Volume 8, 24 January, 2018: Year Round Pell Issues

By Jessica Holler posted 01-24-2018 09:14 AM


Last week and also during our call this past Monday, the FA-PAG voiced our concern about the Pell functionality and asked Oracle whether it could be removed from Bundle 48/PUM Image 8, which would be a departure from their normal procedure.  Even though they understand the concerns, unfortunately this is not something Oracle is able to do.


  • Customers on 9.2 should be able to exclude the Year Round Pell Critical Fix code using the Product Update Manager.
  • Customers on 9.0 will have the full Year Round Pell critical fix code re-delivered within Bundle 48 when it is released.


Oracle is currently working on 5 different bugs that have been reported for Year Round Pell for both versions 9.0 and 9.2, to keep abreast of changes please set the sign in to MOS and set the following Documents as favorites:

  • Doc ID:  1 – Second Pell Awarded over 600 Pell LEU Maximum when starting LEU between 450 and 500
  • Doc ID: 1 – Pell Term Amount Cancels with Edit 9239 or 9254 when LEU > 500
  • Doc ID:  1 – Second Pell fails Validation with Edit 9152 if ISIR Loaded and not Pell Eligible in Forward Aid Year
  • Doc ID:  1 – Validation Canceled Locked Pell Items with Edit 9129
  • Doc ID:  1 – Year Round Pell: Repackaging Assigns Original Second Pell Incorrectly


Of the bugs identified thus far, items 2.a. and 2.b. are highlighted above because they are Oracle’s top priority.


Several of the FA-PAG schools have volunteered to serve as Proof-of-Concept testers as the code to fix those first two bugs becomes available from Oracle.


If/when Oracle requests POC testers for any fix or functionality, the FA-PAG institutions do all we can to serve in this capacity.

