
New Functionality Coming in Bundle 52 and PUM Image 12

By Laura Stevens posted 01-23-2019 12:13 PM


Currently, when using the population update functionality on the equation variable page, we know that an additional process needs to be run to set the tuition calc required flag so that the student and staff see the change reflected on the student account faster.  But, wait!  Feel free to remove that extra step once you apply CS Bundle 52 and PUM Image 12! 

Users should continue using the equation variable pop update functionality as they have.  What you will notice is that all updates on that page are now setting the tuition calc flag to Y.  Any processes where you had to do a separate update of the tuition calc flag or had to run all calc processing to ensure all students were getting recalculated can now be improved to simplify the process.

The anticipated release date for Bundle 52 is in late January.  The anticipated release date for PUM Image 12 is in early February. 

