
Alternative Academic Model Working Group - Please Consider Joining

By Stephen Brawn posted 03-10-2017 03:39 PM


As the new HEUG year is starting, The HEUG and Oracle have renewed our interest in getting a group of volunteers together in the form of a working group to discuss and advocate regarding the topic of Alternative Academic Models.  We acknowledge that non-traditional – or alternative academic models – are very broad and distinct based on global region, type of institution, or specialized programs being offered by an institution.  The unique business processes and system requirements that these non-traditional academic models require means that, in order to accommodate these programs, many institutions have had to think outside of the student system “box” that they use.  The HEUG is sponsoring a working group to do the following in regards to this initiative:


  • First, document what type of alternative academic models are being used globally by our institutions.
  • Second, document what systems or processes are being used to record, enroll, track, provide aid, etc. for these models.
  • Third, document any customizations to traditional business processes or systems that had to be done to accommodate these models.
  • Fourth, discuss and advocate how business processes and systems can be designed to better handle a myriad of academic models.


The working group will be chaired and led by members of both the CC AG and SR AG in partnership with Oracle.  If your institution has implemented a unique non-traditional academic model – or has plans to – we would be interested in a representative from your institution joining our group.  Please contact Steve Brawn at if you are interested in becoming a member of this working group.

