
Data Privacy Working Group Survey - Please respond and help us advocate on your behalf

By Stephen Brawn posted 10-25-2016 09:14 AM


At the HEUG Summit 2016, advisory group and board members identified a need to discuss and advocate for functionality and standardization around built-in data encryption, masking, and scrambling within and amongst all three PeopleSoft systems (CS, HRMS, FIN).  Over the last several months, a working group comprised of HEUG advisory group and community members have been discussing and evaluating the needs in this area.  After much discussion and collaboration, we have categorized and focused in on 4 areas that we intend to advocate for change.

The HEUG Data Privacy working group asks that you please take the time to fill out this survey in an attempt to help us better understand and define the areas of focus to advocate for with Oracle.  Please note that, due to the highly sensitive topic and questions asked in the survey, all responses will be anonymous.

This survey will be open until Tuesday November 8th.

The survey can be accessed by using the following link:

If you have any questions or additional comments for the working group, please contact Steve Brawn


The HEUG Data Privacy Working Group

