
HEUG Data Privacy Working Group - Call For Volunteers

By Stephen Brawn posted 08-22-2016 04:59 PM


At this past HEUG leadership Summit in Seattle, a working group on Data Privacy was conceived and started as a conversation/brainstorming topic. The working group has gotten to the point where 4 main areas of focus have been identified.  The current goal for a deliverable is - at the very least - a white paper to advocate for areas of need and standardization around these 4 topics PeopleSoft wide (HR, CS, FIN - on premise and SaaS).  Additionally, If the group finds that there is good cause to create a best practice document around existing functionality and standards, they will investigate that opportunity as well.
We are writing to you all today to solicite volunteers to join the working group.  Now that the 4 topic areas for more research and analysis have been solidified, the group realizes that they could use more people with an experience or understanding in those focus areas.  The group is looking for volunteers with expertise in these areas to join our working group.  If you are intereted in joining the working group or would like more information, please email both Greg Stanis

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