
Communications Continuum

By Archive User posted 03-19-2009 03:05 AM


roamAs this drawing by Dan Roam demonstrates, units of communication are getting shorter and increasing in frequency. As we head into the Alliance Conference next week, how are we communicating with each other? How should we be communicating with each other?

There are certainly messages that can be communicated in short bursts over IM or text message (srsly?), some others that make a good tweet (Who's blogging, tweeting, flickring at #Alliance09? Find us at the HEUG booth -- we may have some good free stuff for you! #HEUG), and still others that make a decent blog entry.

These are great media for those who opt for the constant information stream (thank you Google Reader and FriendFeed for sorting that out for us!). What about those of us who do not opt for that? What about those of us who have longer attention spans or require detailed analysis? Shall we stick with swapping documents and slide decks? 

Somewhere there is a balanced solution to these questions. I suspect it would include all of the elements of Mr. Roam's drawing except the dates and the trend line. Our communication options are legion yet our message should not be (see a recent successful political campaign -- yes we can communicate effectively).

What do you think? Where should HEUG fall on the communications continuum? As HEUG grows how can we best communicate with each other? You have the answers. Sound off in comments!