
HRMS PAG Quarterly Update

By Archive User posted 07-01-2010 11:36 AM


The HRMS PAG members have made good progress working on the following goals discussed at the PAG Summit.

1.  Advocate for Higher Ed member needs by input to Oracle about the PeopleSoft HCM product.

  • Meet monthly with Oracle’s PeopleSoft Vice President for HCM Strategy
  • Assist Oracle in identifying HEUG members to serve on workgroups

Action taken: Oracle’s PeopleSoft Vice President for HCM Strategy has attended and actively
contributed to monthly PAG meetings.

2.  Participate in Oracle/HEUG workgroups

  • Encourage HEUG members to update their profile, as a way to identify members to solicit to serve on workgroups.
  • Explore joint HRMS/Budget PAG meeting with a demo from oracle on what functionality exists to streamline the annual salary budget process.
  • Request joint meeting with the Reporting PAG on the direction of HR analytics.

Action taken: Email sent to HRMS members urging their update of their profiles.
                      Oracle demo for joint HRMS/Budget PAGs about annual salary process set for July 28.
                      Joint meeting with the Business Intelligence (Reporting) PAG set for 9/9/10.

3. Continue interaction with other HR user groups, such as the Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG) and the Public Sector Users Group (PSUG).

  • Support PSUG effort to give in put to Oracle about information made available with bundles. Coordinate with EBS, PSUG and OHUG

Action taken: EBS representative on the PAG shared screen shots of the documentation EBS users get on fixes/updates. PSUG held webinar on this topic for 4/6/10. Documentation representative from Oracle will attend the PAG’s July or August meeting to discuss
this topic.
                      HRMS PAG chair attended the OHUG conference in May, including meeting with the Higher Education Special Interest Group meeting at that conference.
                     Nominated two Alliance HRMS presenters to present at Oracle World
                     PSUG continues to invite HEUG HRMS members to their monthly webinars

4. Enhance communication with HEUG HRMS members.

  • Put overviews on newsletter emails for those who get the listserv messages in the digest format
  • Explore ability to have the newsletter open in email directly, as opposed to just an attachment.
  • Publish 3-4 newsletters
  • Education of members on how to “expand your local network.”

Action taken: PAG members Amy and Krista reviewed the audio recordings and transcribed written notes about the HCM Idea Exchange meetings and made both available to HRMS HEUG members.
                     Notified HRMS members of two new Oracle positions papers – HIRE Act and PPACA/HCERA
                     Listserv remains active, with Monitor ensuring responses are received to questions. If not, she follows up and solicits responses.
                    Worked with HEUG VP for Communications to coordinate Socious’ help with website issue and how we can communicate with HRMS HEUG members who have not signed up for the listserv.
                    Next newsletter is scheduled for July distribution.