
Partners Not Payers

By Archive User posted 04-28-2011 11:13 AM


During the last decade, higher education has made a lot of progress in automating eCommerce transactions, gaining the benefits of greater efficiency and improved student satisfaction. However, billing and payments for contract accounts (third-party payments, contract payments, sponsor payments, or whatever you call them) are still, by and large, processed manually. They’re like student payments were ten years ago. Manual. Off-line. Messy. Fortunately, there is new momentum and growing interest in automating contract payments. Consider these points:

  1. Contract payers are strategic partners. Contract accounts are major accounts. These business relationships represent an opportunity to generate incremental revenue at a time when most institutions are looking for new funding sources. Nurturing your major accounts is smart business. They will only grow in importance during the coming years.
  2. Contract accounts are complex. Most schools I’ve talked to handle their contract payments as the exception, not the rule. They use manual systems rife with paper files, “off-line” spreadsheets, and challenging reconciliation procedures. If your contract accounts are difficult for you to manage, imagine how frustrating they must be to your students’ sponsors.
  3. Contract payments have PCI implications. Dependence on manual, paper-intensive processes generally has a negative impact on PCI compliance. The basic rule is: Where there are manual payments, there are spreadsheets … and where there are spreadsheets, there are data security issues and higher potential risk.

Bottom line, your contract accounts can have a big impact on both cash-flow and work flow. Contract payments are the next frontier of business office automation. Treat your sponsors like partners, not payers, and by helping them you’ll help yourself.

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