
How to Search Effectively for Knowledge Content for Campus Solutions in My Oracle Support

By Archive User posted 02-14-2013 10:05 AM


One of the main features of My Oracle Support is the ability to search the Knowledge Base. The searching tool is very powerful, but with the amount of content in the knowledge base, can sometimes lead to results which are overwhelming. Here are some quick tips to help you search more effectively and more easily find the exact content for which you are searching.

1. Make sure you use a PowerView, as this will filter your search results to just Campus Solutions (or whatever product you are using). Next to the Oracle My Oracle Support heading at the top of the page, there should be a little box which tells you if PowerView is ‘Off’ or ‘On.’ If it says 'Off', use these step to set up a Powerview:

a)Click the down arrow next to the 'PowerView is Off' label, then choose 'New.'

b)Choose 'Product' as the filter. "Is One Of" is the default choice for the next field.

c)In the next field initially labeled 'select Product' Type "Peoplesoft Enterprise CS," and the field will display all of the Product Lines under Campus Solutions. Choose the one that fits the product line for which you you wish to search (example: Peoplesoft Enterprise CS Campus Community).

d)Repeat step 1c to add more product lines to the view, if you wish. When finished click 'Create'.

e)From this point, My Oracle Support will default to using the PowerView you created, as indicated by the 'PowerView is On' heading at the top. At any point, you can click the dropdown arrow to edit or manage the PowerView you created, or create additional PowerViews.

2. Narrow the sources of interest to just those you are sure you need. More boxes checked will mean better defined results.

3.For error messages, use the EXACT error message text when you search. Also, if the error message is a delivered message from the message catalog, use the message set and message number.

4.For issues involving an object or process: search on the proper name of the object or process. As an example, within Campus Solutions Financial Aid, there is an application engine process commonly referred to as "NSLDS Push", or "Update Aggregates with NSLDS, however, guessing which descriptions may be used with any process is tricky, since descriptions are not standard. The actual process name in this case is SFA_NSLDSUPD, which IS standard, and thus is likely to produce better results in your search.

5.Be careful using multiple search terms, as more terms mean more results returned. Only use the terms you are sure you need.

6.To get an exact match on multiple words:

a)Use quotations. Searching on "TABLE VALIDATION" will give you different results than TABLE VALIDATION.

b)Or, type the words - without quotes - in the 'exact phrase' box

7.Avoid using any words like "not", "no", "for", etc. These will just confuse the search engine and produce unexpected results.

8.If you don't get immediate results with the simple/basic search, try the Advanced Search as it will give you many more options. The fields to search are located in the 'Knowledge Tab', on the upper right of the page. To access the Advanced Search options, click on the 'Advanced' label on the far right.

9.If you can't immediately find what you need by searching, try the Campus Solution Information Centers. The index for these is contained in the knowledge document 1491180.2. Within each of the product-specific information centers, the 'Use' and 'Troubleshoot' pages will contain links to articles relevant for that product. These are especially likely to contain articles that were published more recently.