
Combined Financials PAG Quarterly Update, June 2010

By Jackie Creager posted 07-06-2010 10:58 AM

The Combined Financials PAG represents the overlapping interests of several other PAGs:  Budgeting; General Ledger; Grants, Contracts, & Billing; and Procure-to-Pay.  Members of the Combined Financials PAG are representatives of other PAGs, so our interests and goals can be rather wide-ranging.  We had several goals coming out of the Summit in 2010 and have made progress in the following areas:
  • As a carry-over goal from 2009, we are identifying process improvements for Asset Management.  The Asset Management Focus Group continues to meet to review reporting requirements and how the requirements could be incorporated into delivered reports/queries.

  • Defining the role of procurement cards in commitment control and how the money charged should be represented is also a goal for 2010.  The group is preparing a survey to send to members;
  • Another goal is to make recommendations on Commitment Control to GL to Projects reconciliation.  The Procure-to-Pay PAG is currently reviewing and will forward to the Combined Financials when their review is complete.  A survey may be used to obtain input.

  • As part of the goal to identify requirements for managing endowments, some institutions have recently provided some cases to Amira Morcos at Oracle.
  • Another goal is to complete the white paper on budgeting for projects.  Richard Trudel (Brandeis University) has sent a draft of the document to the group for feedback by June 30.

  • We also have a goal to document Subawards requirements (a follow up to whitepaper submitted in 2009.  Priority has been given to the Post Award Usability Whitepaper and the Analytical Information at this time.
Although this was not made a formal goal at the Summit, one follow up item from the Summit was to begin discussions with Oracle about improving the documentation that is provided with bundles/fixes.  Oracle has provided samples of two documents for the group to review to determine what is missing and identify what we would like to have. 

We would be happy to receive your comments on any of the above, or comments in general.  Feel free to comment here or directly to me,