
HEUG Board of Directors Update

By Archive User posted 04-29-2011 10:17 AM


Your HEUG Board of Directors meets monthly—three times per year in person, the rest via conference call. Some of the agenda items constitute the routine business of keeping the organization running, while others are more substantive. We’ve decided to post blog entries after each Board meeting to keep all of you posted on the more noteworthy aspects of these monthly meetings. At our meeting of April 26, 2011, here were some of the highlights:

  • We are exploring various types of collaborations with several other user groups in the higher education and Oracle communities that could prove mutually beneficial. It’s too early for any details, but our VPs for Technology and for External Relations are actively involved in investigating these opportunities.
  • Regional conferences are really taking off! Past President Stan Jakubik and newly appointed Board member Kathy Pfeiffer are leading the planning effort that could result in as many as six HEUG-sponsored or HEUG-affiliated regional conferences in the US this year. The established conferences in Wisconsin and Maryland are likely to be joined by new ones in New Jersey, North Carolina, Chicago, and Texas. The required organizational and financial infrastructure still needs to be built and details worked out, but we’re all excited about this expansion of opportunities for collaboration and communication.
  • Newly elected Board member (and HEUG hall-of-famer) Criss Laidlaw has agreed to serve as the Board’s point person for the issue that is at the top of many HEUG members’ agendas, namely the HCM/CS split-and-integration. With his deep knowledge of both the technical and functional sides of PeopleSoft, and his long history of productive engagement with the TAG, PAGs and Oracle, Criss is ideally suited for this role. He will be working with Oracle’s Susan Beidler and Mark Armstrong to revitalize the discussions on this important topic and ensure that the concerns of the HEUG are heard and all possible options explored thoroughly and carefully.