
A Small Liberal Arts Institution’s Reaction to the COVID-19 Pandemic | Top of Mind with The Tambellini Group Podcast

By Katelyn Ilkani posted 05-22-2020 08:39 AM


Note that the below is a link to a free podcast offered by The Tambellini Group as part of our ongoing strategic partnership. For more information on this partnership and The Tambellni Group, please visit here.


Ellina Chernobilsky, Caldwell University’s Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, talks about COVID-19’s impact on campus. Classes, services, and decision-making are all online, and the virtual environment presents a “tremendous learning curve” for everyone. Chernobilsky explains how developing new, creative methods to support leadership, faculty, and students “may pave the way to a new normal”: adaptations for grading, instructional design for coming academic terms, and virtual meetings among campus leaders.

Listen: A Small Liberal Arts Institution’s Reaction to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Highlights include:

  • Decisions made regarding grades and examinations
  • Instructional design to meet the demand of online classes
  • How the virtual environment has affected decision-making among campus leadership