
November 2016 Newsletter

By Deanne Wright posted 11-08-2016 01:22 PM



Academic Advising                                                          AAbl.jpg

Advisory Group Newsletter

November 2016


Get Ready for Alliance 2017

A big thank you to everyone who submitted their proposals for Alliance sessions! There will be much knowledge and expertise to be shared in Las Vegas, when we meet again February 27 – March 2, 2017 at the MGM Grand.

Alliance Housing Accommodations link is now active. Be sure to book your hotel room using the official Alliance Conference Hotel Reservation service so that you can qualify for the Early Bird Registration Rate. Early Bird Conference Registration runs from November 9th, 2016 to January 6, 2017.

Visit the Alliance 2017 Hotel and Travel page here.

Are you ready to Stop and Share at Alliance? Are you looking for a peer discussion on using specific functionality? Trying to find out how others approach challenges?  Have you found a new process or tool that has simplified the way you do business? Step right up and submit a topic here to create your own networking and brainstorming session!  You could even win one of the daily Amazon gift card drawings by participating!

You can keep up with what’s happening on the Alliance 2017 Events Page on Facebook and by following @heug on Twitter



Advisory Group Election Results

Advisory Group election results are in, and we are pleased to welcome Carolien ten Oever back for her second term. Thanks to all the nominees willing to put their hats in the ring. We hope to be able to select one or more alternate members from the runners up in the coming months.



Advisory Group Goals and Objectives for 2016-2017


Here’s what your Advisory Group is striving to achieve this year:



·         Recruit regional conference participation by publishing conference information through newsletters, listserv and encouraging attendance and presentations.

·         Prior to the 2017 Alliance, post two reminders on the forum encouraging users to vote on enhancements.

·         Facilitate opportunities to explore new AA functionality and provide opportunity for members to respond and give input by organizing relevant sessions and panel discussions.



·         Work with Oracle/PeopleSoft product strategists, analysts and developers on enhancements and produce White Papers if relevant.

·         Complete an annual review of enhancement requests and determine the top five enhancements.

·         Provide product use cases, as requested.

·         The AA PAG will advocate for attention to pre-release bundle testing, complete documentation of changes and identification of cross-module implications.

·         Continue PAG involvement with beta testing whenever possible.


Building Community by Networking & Sharing

·         Initiate and support collaboration with other Product Advisory Groups on cross-PAG topics.



What’s new from Oracle

Campus Solutions 9.0 October 2016 Bundle #43 is now available.


Functional documentation is available for Campus Solutions Bundles on My Oracle Support PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 Documentation - Bundles, Feature Packs, Additional Features, and Other Releases (Doc ID 2047464.1).  Select the link for CS 9.0 Bundle #43 Functional Documentation.


For information about the latest updates to PeopleBooks you can refer to Most Recent Versions of Campus Solutions 9.0 Chapters (Doc ID 1523915.1)


Current Adviser Webcasts Schedule and Archived Downloads can be found by going to My Oracle Support, PeopleSoft Enterprise Adviser Webcast Schedule and Archived recordings (Doc ID 1456265.1).  


The webcast related to this bundle is: PeopleSoft Financial Aid Regulatory 2017-2018 Release 2 (9.0 Bundle 43, 9.2 PUM Image 3).


PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 PUM Update Image 3 is available.


Visit the PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Home Page (MOS Doc ID 1641843.2) by selecting the Update Image Home Pages tab, choosing Campus Solutions Update Image Home Page and expanding the section CS Update Image Link. 


Where to learn more:

The Campus Solutions Update Image Home Page Additional Documentation section contains convenient links including The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 Documentation Home Page (Doc ID 2013381.1), the PeopleSoft CS 9.2 Update Image Overview (Doc ID 2116071.1) and PeopleSoft 9.2: Campus Solutions Update Image Documentation (Doc ID 2117001.2).


CS 9.2 PUM Image 3 contains a number of Campus Solutions Fluid UI features which are highlighted in the video: Campus Solutions 9.2 Fluid UI PUM Image 3 Video Feature Overview


Visit the PeopleSoft Information Portal  for additional information. 



LEARN MORE – Upcoming Education Series Webinars

Check out what’s on offer from the HEUG Education Series regular offerings.  Click here to see the latest schedule.



EVENTS – Upcoming conferences

 More international conferences are coming up:

Alliance Down Under will take place in Gold Coast, QLD, Australia November 9-11, 2016

Asia Alliance will be in Singapore November 14-15, 2016

Arab Alliance will be in Abu Dhabi, UAE November 15-16

And of course, get ready for Viva Las Vegas! Alliance 2017




Keep up on what’s happening in our community! Be sure to check out the AA Blog, the AA Forum (a.k.a. listserv) and the Product Enhancement Tracker.


