
Campus Solutions update on PI28 Names functionality

By Denise Kelly posted 03-20-2023 12:16 PM


Due to the volume of discussion on the list serves related to the PI28 Names functionality, the CS team at Oracle have provided the following update on the status of the issue reported as bug number 35137016;

Campus Solutions is currently working on a solution that will address the issue reported via Bug 35137016 - HISTORICAL ROWS IN NAME TYPE HISTORY UPDATED WITH CURRENT DATE AND OPERID. We are planning to post a PRP on March 22, 2023. This PRP will also be part of PI-29 which is scheduled to be posted on June 6th, 2023.

The PRP includes two elements:

  1. An update to de-select the Space Before checkbox for the First Name field in PSFormat Configuration for the English (001) name format
  2. An update to the Save logic for the Names component so that in cases where updates to existing names records are being triggered purely as a result of a changes to the name format setup (i.e., only non-editable fields NAME, NAME_DISPLAY, NAME_FORMAL_NAME or SRCH fields are being updated), the audit fields (LASTUPDDTTM and LASTUPOPRID) are not updated. This is as per the Refresh Name Display (NAME_DISPLAY) process.

Additional information:

  • Part (1) of the PRP is as per the existing workaround. If the format has already been manually updated to de-select the Space Before checkbox, the first part of the PRP will have no impact.
  • For customers that have made other changes to the English name format that was delivered in 9.2.28, those changes should not be impacted by the PRP. We would advise that customers verify that the format is set up as they require it after the PRP has been applied.
  • We would recommend that all customers run the Refresh Name Display process for the English name format after the PRP is applied to ensure all existing names records are correctly formatted. This applies whether or not the workaround has been followed or other updates have been made to the delivered English name format.
