
We need YOU to submit an Alliance '24 Conference Proposal!

By Dustin Gerstenfield posted 09-19-2023 04:42 PM


Hello Admissions AG Community,

You’ve made it through the Fall 2023 cycle! Way to go! *high five*

Now that the start of the Fall semester is now behind us we can take a quick breath before we get to work on the class of 2024. If we may, while you’re getting that well deserved breath, we invite you to consider submitting a proposal for the upcoming Alliance Conference in Phoenix. The conference is March 3-6, 2024 and will be a great opportunity to share great innovations or successes that you’ve recently experienced as well as learn from other colleagues who are facing similar challenges as you.

We are accepting all proposals…even if you think it’s been done before or it’s a 101-type presentation, submit it! We have a lot of new professionals that attend Alliance and every session – even 101-type sessions for us seasoned professionals – is valuable. Session proposals are accepted now through October 6, 2023. You can get more details and submit your session proposal here: No need to have a full presentation developed to submit a proposal. All that’s required is a title, short description along with learning objectives.

Below are some ideas for Alliance sessions to get the juices flowing:

·         Campus Solutions - Admissions 101

·         Query Writing for Admissions

·         CAF fields – what are they and best practices for use

·         Perfecting Search/Match – how to create the perfect S/M rules for automation

·         PDL and the Common App (ApplyTexas, Scoir/Coalition App) – best practices

·         Using Prospect Data Loader (PDL) for External Application Loads

Have an idea but have questions and need to bounce it off someone? Feel free to reach out to the Admissions AG! We’d love to hear from you and would be happy to connect and chat through an idea with you. Post to the Admissions HEUG listserv with “Alliance Proposal” in your subject line and one of the AG members will respond ASAP.

Happy Brainstorming and we are excited to see your Alliance 2024 submissions!

Your HEUG Admissions Advisory Group

