Are you currently using User Productivity Kit (UPK) for your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions training needs? At Concordia University, the training team uses UPK extensively to develop and deliver training on the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Student Information System (SIS). We have created over 400 UPKs to assist staff with their daily tasks in the SIS. In this session, we will present the results of our research and experience with investigating new technologies as the UPK support comes to an end. We will discuss our main requirements for selecting a new training development tool, such as, ease of use, and online user help, based on developer and user feedback. We will present the main features of the newer technologies that we investigated, and discuss which features we were most interested in to cover the gaps that we found with UPK. This session is useful for anyone interested in exploring new technologies for employee training, whether or not they have been using UPK for their training needs.
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