Canada Presentations

Process Efficiency- The Smart Choice 

11-06-2019 03:01 PM

Over the past year, the McMaster Human Resources department has embarked on a process efficiency journey, to think about the work we are doing, and asking ourselves “what is the best way to do it?” By simplifying and automating our manual processes, our employees can spend time doing value added work and projects. By taking the “manual” out of the work, we have noticed a significant decrease in errors, processing time and duplication of efforts. In this presentation, Alyssa Guarraci and Dave Hall will walk the group through a mix of delivered and customized items we have rolled out that have made our jobs easier and more efficient. These include auto termination for interim employees, Time & Labour Auto Enrollment, Payroll Reports Autosave and Process Review, Pay to General Ledger Navigation Collection, and the fully customized McMaster Specific Page on Job Data.

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2 Files
pdf file
Alliance Presentation 2019-Final.pdf   1.28 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2020
pdf file
HEUG Submission -A. Guarraci & D.Hall.pdf   86 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2020

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