EMEA Presentations

Workcenter 2.0 part I- The next big thing! 

11-20-2015 04:46 AM

In this first part of the two part series we will focus on how to boost workcenter usability.
Implementing the out of the box Peoplesoft workcenter functionality has already greatly improved system usability for many user groups, assisting them in their daily jobs by working more efficiently with less effort. We found out that with relatively easy add-ons you can improve your workcenter and boost user friendlyness to the next level. The best thing of all is: there's not a single line of peoplecode we have written.

How we did this? Come and see how we create Workcenter 2.0 with easy to navigate harmonica-menu’s, filter options, sortable grids and a powerful searchtool to find your data instantly.

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