Asia Presentations

Auto-Awarding Embedded Credentials 

07-07-2017 04:19 PM

To address the increase of embedded credentials in technical diploma and associate degree programs, Madison College utilized the Academic Advisement module in PeopleSoft to build embedded credentials into the curriculum structure. This serves two purposes:
1. Produces a Degree Progress Report that shows progression toward achievement of embedded credentials in a pathway model
2. Facilitates auto-awarding of embedded credentials for students

To produce a Degree Progress Report that displays embedded credentials within a program, Madison College utilizes multiple Requirement Groups in the Academic Advisement module in PeopleSoft. The use of multiple Requirement Groups produces a “stacked” display of a pathway and facilitates a process of auto-awarding embedded credentials. To track embedded programs and the Requirement Groups that house them, a custom bolt-on table was created. Once a Requirement Group is “collapsed” or completed on a student’s Degree Progress Report, a process runs to auto-admit the student into the embedded credential represented by the curriculum in that Requirement Group. The student is then graduated from that embedded program.

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