It is April already; Alliance is over, spring is in the air, and we are all in planning mode for the upcoming regionals, and preparing our goals and objectives for the next year. In addition, it’s time to review our institutional membership because we don't want to miss out on the great benefits that the membership offers. You may have seen the reminder email that was sent out a couple of weeks ago, it reminds us to check our membership, and to get ready to renew our commitment to the HEUG community. So, don’t be without your most important subscription this year; members collectively saved a whopping $600,000 in 2013.
Along with that exciting news, our members joined the social media in a big way at this year’s Alliance conference; the Twitter sphere lit up with our tweets as we shared our experiences with our colleagues and friends. With the HEUG’s drive in social media, we drew over 350 new likes to our Facebook page and had over 150 new followers on Twitter.
Also, if you have not seen the YouTube highlights of the Alliance 2014 conference, is a must-see. Take some time to reflect on the things learned, the collaborations, and fun times at the conference, and look forward to bigger and better things in the upcoming year.
Keep up the great work!