
MIDHEUG Alliance 2018 - Early-Bird Registration Closes Tomorrow!

By Jessica Holler posted 09-06-2018 07:03 AM


Early-Bird Registration Closes Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that Early Bird registration closes tomorrow! Early bird registration for Institutional Members is only $70.00 and will be available until Friday, September 7, 2018.   



Benefits of attending MIDHEUG Alliance 2018: 

1. New Tools: Our onsite vendors offer tools you may have not seen before and the opportunity to ask questions. 

2. Learning in a New Space: New spaces can help break ruts and help in the creation of new ideas and approaches.

3. Greater Focus: You are attending specifically to learn and be surrounded by others with the same purpose. Even if it is re-learning something you already knew, you might realize something you didn't catch before.  

4. Takeaways: Your attendance will provide a unique combination of learning, networking, and fun into a single experience. 

Agenda is Available

The Planning Committee has developed an outstanding program! The website has now been updated with new information including the conference schedule and sessions for review! Please follow the link below to the Agenda Page of the official conference website for the track streams, session schedule, and building your agenda. With 60 different sessions being offered, you will want to make sure and pre-plan! 



 Workshops are Available!

Get more out of your MIDHEUG experience and sign-up for a pre-conference workshop. These workshops are 2.5 hours of engaging discussion and learning. Workshops take place on Thursday, October 11th from 8:15 am to 10:45 am. Registration for workshops is only an additional $25 per workshop for conference attendees. 

  • Deep Dive into Google Data Studio Visualization
  • PS Query Building Using Student Academic & Demographic Data-Expressions, Subqueries, Drilling URLs
  • Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface



We hope to see in you beautiful Wisconsin in October!