
Things I Never Thought I Would Hear a CIO Say Top of Mind with Tambellini Group Podcast

By Sarah Bryan posted 11-02-2020 09:10 AM


Note that the below is a link to a free podcast offered by The Tambellini Group as part of our ongoing strategic partnership. For more information on this partnership and The Tambellni Group, please visit here.


In conversation with Top of Mind host Katelyn Ilkani, Marilyn Smith, former CIO at George Mason University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, reflects on the changes she has witnessed over her career. Advisor to GMU’s new CIO, Smith shares her advice to listeners who may aspire to lead a higher education IT department. This podcast includes Smith’s approach to building relationships across a university’s diverse population and coming to understand the role of IT as a service.

Listen: Things I Never Thought I Would Hear a CIO Say

Highlights include:

  • Advice to new and aspiring higher ed CIOs
  • Background on building relationships across a university
  • Importance of collaboration
  • How CIOs should prepare for spring semester as COVID-19’s presence continues