
The Power of Data

By Jane Broad posted 01-27-2016 04:00 PM


The power of data should not be underestimated.  We are reminded regularly how important data about (and analysis of) our students, our staff and our finances, even the performance of our systems, is to the success of our institutions.

It helps us to understand what is working well and what requires our attention.  The more significant the results are, the clearer the incentive is to act.

The HEUG is no different in its need to analyse data.  We are an organisation made up of over 900 institutions.  The data we can collecte and use has the potential to be very powerful.

We know from talking to each other, face to face or online, that we share many of the same challenges and indeed many of the same goals.  We know this... but let's provide some evidence of that!  Let's find out how many of us are working on, or thinking about, similar initiatives.  This kind of data will help the HEUG to prioritise its efforts in terms of advocacy to Oracle, in terms of education (conference programmes, webinars, blogs...) and will also help you to connect with peers to share ideas and possibly even solutions.

We've designed a simple survey for this purpose.  Please take a few minutes to complete it.  The more responses we get the more powerful the data will be!

The survey can be completed multiple times by each person and by multiple people in each institution so that we get information on as many business processes and applications as possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Focus areas - survey

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