
Competency Based Education

By Jane Broad posted 02-29-2016 04:07 AM


 Competency based education (CBE) is becoming more prevalent and has a large and far reaching impact throughout Higher Education. In the CBE model, students are not awarded credit by traditional means, but by showing that they have obtained specific skills or competencies. This model is especially more relevant for adult learners, whose time is limited, and their experience and competencies can be used in lieu of attending a class.

You may have provision at your institution that sounds like this, but you don't call it Competency Based Education?  We still want to hear from you.  There are many types of activity that consider experience/skills and award credit on that basis - in the UK we have 'Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning' and also industry/work placements/internships... don't be put-off by the labels!

The HEUG is trying to gauge interest from our communities regarding competency based education. To initiate this effort, we ask that you please answer the following survey questions in order to give us a better idea of your interest or needs in this area.

The survey will be open until March 11, 2016, but we encourage you to respond before Alliance so that we can have a better idea of the communities’ interest for our CBE discussions at Alliance. The link to respond is:

Competency Based Education

Also, if you are attending Alliance 2016, please consider attending a session on Monday evening that will overview CBE and how some institutions are managing it. The session number is: 35935 and it is entitled: Competency Based Education (CBE) Strategic Focus Group.  This session is Monday March 07, 2016 from 05:15 PM - 06:30 PM in room 4C-1.


Jane Broad