The fall season is upon us here in the States, plenty of sunshine, cooler temperatures and the leaves full of autumn colors. Your Advisory Groups are in full swing this fall with elections and Alliance 2020 session proposals. This year HEUG will be inducting forty-eight new Advisory Group members during this election cycle. In addition, the HEUG Board approved the formation of our first Cloud Advisory Group from current HEUG member institutions who are live with the Oracle Cloud Finance and HCM products. As in the beginning of the HEUG mission, our Advisory Groups serve as a mechanism for assisting our members with the implementation cost-effective use of Oracle and related software and services in support of higher education.
In addition, your Advisory Groups with your help are working on reviewing over 200 presentation proposals for the Alliance 2020 Conference. With your help once again Alliance 2020 will be filled with quality sessions from our members! Be on the lookout for the HEUG's communication for the published listing of selected Alliance 2020 presentations and be sure to review and make your selections on the mobile app!
Until next time if you have any questions or need additional information please reach out to an Advisory Group Member, a Board member or myself.