
HEUG Signposts for the week of May 18, 2009

By Archive User posted 05-18-2009 02:58 AM


Signpost 051809Update on IPEDS Ethnicity/Race Data Collection

VP for Products Dave Baugh just posted some updated information about IPEDS Ethnicity/Race data collection on his blog. He includes specifics on related content included in Campus Solutions Bundle 13 (9.0) and Bundle 20 (8.9).

Release Value Propositions for PeopleTools 8.50 and Enterprise Portal 9.1

There are new release value propositions (RVP) available for PeopleTools 8.50 and for Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1. RVPs are intended to provide an overview of the enhancements that are planned for upcoming releases. Find links to both RVPs on the Oracle PeopleSoft Technology Blog.

Budgeting White Paper Review

The Budgeting Product Advisory Group (PAG) has been posting white paper sections to their blog recently and requesting your feedback. Please take a few minutes to read up on their progress and post your comments. This is an excellent use of HEUG Online tools to enable cross-PAG activity throughout the year. Kudos to Richard Trudel for this initiative!

Service Oriented Architecture

Brian Busby is blogging about Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) terms and issues in the first posts of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) series on SOA and web services.

Reporting PAG

The Reporting PAG is using their blog in part to highlight forum discussions on issues relevant to reporting. Reporting PAG Chair Elaine Seidel recently wrote about the use of multiple institutions. This was a topic of discussion Elaine pulled out of the Student Records and Campus Community forums.  This is another great use of HEUG Online tools to expand and extend subject matter discussions.

If you have ideas, stories, or any information you would like to share with the HEUG community, please post them here or email us at

Have a great week!

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