Call for Proposals Closes Tomorrow! If you have an idea for a session but have not completely fleshed out the entire session concept, please submit a proposal with the information you have ready. A copy of the full presentation will be requested after your session is confirmed. These...
Time to Get Social! The conference is just under 6 months away and the conference planning committee would like to share some new developments! While attending Canada Alliance 2018, you will not be bored! Edmonton is such an exciting place and the Conference Planning Committee wants to make...
Call for Proposals Closes in One Week! Putting a strong proposal together is easy and only takes about 30 minutes. We are seeking sessions that will cover Academic Advisement, Admissions, Student Records, Financial, Human Resources, General Interest, Technical and Reporting Business...
Call for Proposals is Open! Canada Alliance 2018 is set for 12-14 November 2018, at MacEwan University. Participants and attendees will be presented with valuable and unique opportunities to share both general and regionally-specific experiences in implementation, technical expertise, and...
SAVE THE DATE The Canada Alliance 2018 Conference is set for 12-14 November 2018, at MacEwan University. You won't want to miss out on this great opportunity to mix with your colleagues, vendors, and get great ideas from around 40+ sessions in a fabulous venue. The conference...
Financial Systems
HCM Systems
Student Success
Connected Campus
Project & Change Management
Career Center
International / Regional
Attendee Terms & Policies
HEUG Code of Conduct