Over the past year, the McMaster Human Resources department has embarked on a process efficiency journey, to think about the work we are doing, and asking ourselves “what is the best way to do it?” By simplifying and automating our manual processes, our employees can spend time doing value added...
2 attachments
We are slowly retiring our electronic Employee Action Form (EAF) and fully utilizing the Smart HR Hire template functionality was the next logical step. Our goal was to make the data entry as simple as possible by providing only a few key data entry fields that result in as many data defaults as...
-Configuration of Page composer -Configuration of AWE transactions. -Building custom pages, controls to work with Fluid Approvals. -Custom pushback functionality -Unit testing of form factors.
PageComposer ADU 2018.pptx
In January 2018, Deakin introduced DeakinAchieve to its Professional staff: Deakin’s performance and development program, using PeopleSoft’s ePerformance module. Deakin opted for a vanilla approach to the implementation, using the delivered version of ePerformance with very few minor low-impact...
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