The University of Nottingham (UoN) started an implementation of Campus Solutions in 2014 and following go lives at its Malaysia and China campuses in 2017, went live in the UK in 2019. UoN is fully using the functionality available within PEAM (programme enrolment and activity management) for...
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The vet school at the University of Glasgow have a requirement to report to their various awarding bodies on the curriculum being taught and assessed. Feed up with spreadsheets, the team approached various departments across the university to talk about what existing software may support their...
Visions Consulting has worked closely with UFS in the implementation of this Program Enrolment module - and together with UFS staff - will share their learning from this project
During the past two years the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Leiden has participated in a project to investigate new Campus Solutions functionality, Program Enrolment and Activity Management (PEAM). The aim of this project is investigate whether or not we can use PEAM to replace our...
EMEA 18-11-2015 - sessie 5304 - The proof of the pudding.pptx
Program Enrolment and Activity Management: a New Paradigm for Student Enrolment and Assessment An overview
This blog is intended as a place for people exploring the Program Enrollment functionality to exchange information. It will rely totally on your contributions to make it useful, so if you are exploring program enrolment please share your experience with the rest of us. It doesn’t need to be...
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