We regret to inform you that Southern African Alliance 2020, scheduled for 1-3 July 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa, has been postponed until 2021. This decision was not made lightly, but due to the impact that COVID-19 is currently causing the institutions in the region, we felt it is the...
Last chance to register online! Spend a couple minutes now to register online to save yourself the time of standing in line to register onsite. Why attend SAHEUG Alliance 2019? This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about new technology and features, to become acquainted with...
Check Out the Schedule! We are happy to announce the full agenda is now available to view and search! With over 40 sessions in to choose from, you'll want to start planning your schedule for SAHEUG Alliance 2019 today! Submit a Session Session Viewer: allows you to navigate the...
Last Call for Presentation Submissions! Putting a strong proposal together is easy and only takes about 30 minutes. Any idea is welcome no matter how big or small. A few reasons to present: 1. Save Money : Primary presenters that share at the regional conference have the...
Call for Proposals is EXTENDED! The session submission deadline has been EXTENDED until , 19 April 2019 ! Southern African HEUG Alliance is a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your innovations, share your challenges and get some professional development at the same time...
Register Today! We are pleased to announce that the registration for the 2019 Southern African Alliance Conference is now open! WHERE: University of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa WHEN: 3-4 July 2019 WHY: This annual conference is one of the key Higher Education user...
Don't miss your chance to submit! Putting a strong proposal together is easy and only takes about 30 minutes. Any idea is welcome no matter how big or small. A few reasons to present: 1. Beef up your professional experience: One of the most apparent benefits of presenting at a...
July saw a very successful Southern African HEUG Conference hosted by the University of Free State in Bloemfontein. The Southern African conference is always a fabulous learning experience for me – there is always a great turnout from each of the SA member institutions, meaning that each...
Programme is Now Available The 2018 Organising Committee has developed an outstanding Programme! The website has now been updated with new information including the schedule, sessions for review, and the Agenda Builder! Please follow the link below to the Agenda Page of the official conference...
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