Payment Center helps you build a secure, compliant payment environment while offering the essential payment system functionality necessary for colleges and universities. It gives you centralized management of your payment system through a single system dashboard. It is a scalable, deeply...
Who doesn’t want free money: The implementation of an online Scholarship Awards and Bursaries (SABs) at MacEwan University. In 2017, MacEwan implemented a new system for the management of SABs. The goal of the project was to improve the overall management and administration of SAB and more...
We would like to tell something about how we use the Student Self Service in our enrolment process. Our Student Self Service consists of pagelets that aid the student in the enrolment process. This is achieved through among others a to-do-list with all the enrolment conditions that apply to that...
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The University of the Sunshine Coast's student self service (USC Central) has been modified so that students can upload a photo that will be used on the student's ID card. Student administration staff will approve or reject photos and approved photos will be loaded into the Gallagher system for...
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Senior Director of Business Development of TouchNet, Terry Urness, will explore current trends in campus commerce and security. Learn how commerce technology can expand the functionality of your student information system using tightly integrated systems, cloud technology, and centralized...
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