For all of our members outside of the U.S., PLEASE take a quick moment to take the following Alternative Academic Models Survey. It is critical that we identify requirements from outside the U.S. to help us in working with Oracle to ensure that all of our requirements are heard, understood, and...
Having recovered from the AMAZING Alliance Conference in Las Vegas, we now turn our attention to the regional conferences being held all around the world. Below are just a few of the confirmed global Alliance Conferences and I invite ANY and ALL to present and attend wherever possible!!!! ...
November is wrapping up and also brings to a close the final Global Alliance Conferences, which all were wildly successful. The month started with our Alliance Down Under, again held in Gold Coast, Australia, and was extremely well attended by both vendors and HEUG members. The following week...
On Monday, March 19 th at the Alliance Conference in Nashville, we took some time to honor the volunteers who do the work behind the Communication and Membership committees. These tireless individuals give their time and effort to further the goals of YOUR Higher Education User Group by...
There is quite a bit of buzz around the HEUG world about our events, both here in the US and abroad. With our annual Alliance Conference just around the corner, now five regional events in the US, one established in Australia (Alliance Down Under), and two more in the planning stages (one in...
Just before Alliance, I wrote about the HEUG's strategic planning process . Many of you were able to attend our annual members meeting at Alliance in Denver, during which we discussed some of the details of that plan. Chris Pondish, our VP for Communications and Membership recently wrote about...
This February, HEUG Executive Director Lew Conner and I visited Singapore to follow up on their successful inaugural regional user group event in November and to support the momentum that the community has created. With the National University of Singapore acting as our host, we visited...
This is a wonderful time for all of us to be involved with the HEUG. It has become a cliche to just talk about our new global community, but it is quite another to watch it function up close. Consider the past month alone. In October, the UK Senior User Group met in Cambridge and invited a...
HEUG is made up of over 18,000 individuals from over 900 campuses in 28 countries. We are truly a global organization. One key initiative we have been planning since last year is an international working group, which will provide an opportunity for HEUG to reach all of our communities around the...
Many thanks to Carolee Berge Cohen and Renee Picton of the Student Financials Product Advisory Group (SF PAG) for sharing this video. As HEUG expands around the globe, we all seem to find ourselves on conference calls each week with our colleagues from Europe, from Australia, from South...
Student Systems
International / Regional
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Alliance / International / Regional / E-Academy