Orlando offers a world of possibilities for unique one-of-a-kind meetings and events. From a top-rated convention center, low-cost accessibility and wide variety of hotels to world-class entertainment and unforgettable experiences, Orlando is an exciting gateway city for meetings of all sizes. ...
Early Bird Registration Closes in One Week! Just a reminder that Early Bird registration closes in 1 week! Early bird registration for Institutional Members is only $125.00 and will be available until Friday, June 15, 2018 . Register Now → Benefits of attending SWHEUG...
This annual conference is one of the key Higher Education user conferences in the region, providing a forum for sharing of information and experiences on the adoption and effective use of Oracle and other information systems solutions in Higher Education institutions. Participants get to: ...
As the time is nearing for travel arrangements to be confirmed for your trip to Alliance 2018, you will want to make sure to check out the Alliance 2018 Travel Information page! If you are curious what the weather will be like in Salt Lake City in March...we have that! If you are curious...
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