Canada Presentations

No More Analysis Paralysis! Concordia's Online Needs Analysis Process for Needs-based Awards 

11-08-2017 09:50 AM

When Concordia University was doing their Campus Solutions implementation we had a challenge in that there was no delivered needs analysis process for institutionally managed awards. The legacy system served applications for several awards each with its own criteria. Our design efforts resulted in a standardised needs analysis process in Self-Service based on student-declared data and the delivered budgeting process that could be used for all our needs based awards.

In this session we will look at the consolidated needs analysis application process as well as the management processes provided to our administrative users. Administrators can: "queue up" applications based on the competition open and closing dates; define eligibility criteria based on the student's Faculty and Department; allow students to update their data if necessary and recalculate needs calculations based on updated enrollment.

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