Just released---the first Student Records newsletter since Alliance!
Find out what events are coming up. Hear from the Product Advisory Group (PAG) chair. Wondering what the PAG goals are for the coming year? Read out them here! Did you miss the Birds of a Feather session at Alliance? Check out the real-time survey results generated at that session, along with tips and resources for new functionality. Have you heard about the Scheduling Consultation Paper the PAG has written? Find out more here!
Read! Share! Discuss! We need your involvement and interest in order to serve you better.
~Your Student Records PAG
**The newsletter can be found either in the Student Records forum (search on SR April Newsletter) or by going to Files>All Files>Higher Education User Group>Campus Solutions>Student Records. Once you're on this page, you can click the "favorites" icon under the "About This Topic" heading to add the Student Records files to your favorites. That way, whenever you hover over the "Files" link in the main navigation bar, you can link directly to the Student Records page.