Australia - New Zealand (ANZ)

Join the ANZ Technical Special Interest Group for a monthly chat

  • 1.  Join the ANZ Technical Special Interest Group for a monthly chat

    Posted 05-21-2023 08:00 PM

    Hello ANZ HEUG Members

    The HEUG ANZ Technical Special Interest Group (ANZ TSIG) is an informal networking and collaboration group that meets virtually once per month to discuss items of interest to technical staff working at HEUG member institutions.

    Items discussed include both those with a specific PeopleSoft/PeopleTools focus, as well as broader items of a technical/systems nature relating to projects and/or operations.

    The group welcomes any staff working in the technical space at HEUG member institutions to join us and have a collaborative chat over a (virtual) coffee.

    Meetings are held at 11am Adelaide time on the first Wednesday of the month.

    If you're interested in joining the conversation please email me and I'll add you to the regular invite and call for discussion topics.

    We look forward to seeing you online!


    Nikki Gaertner Eaton
    Chair: HEUG ANZ Technical Special Interest Group
    Manager: Student Lifecycle Systems, University of South Australia
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