
Calling all HCM Presenters!

By Renee Riley posted 08-21-2019 09:21 AM


Have you ever considered presenting at the Alliance Conference? Are you already a seasoned presenter and considering submitting a proposal again this year? Well the time is upon us to submit presentations for the upcoming Alliance Conference in Philadelphia, PA. As HCM Track Chair, I would like to encourage everyone who is interested in submitting a proposal to do so.

The Alliance conference is a wonderful opportunity for collaboration and learning. Thousands of our peers converge to share information, learn about new technologies or techniques, and inspire change. And each year we have many wonderful submissions. The advisory group strives to make sure all areas of HCM are covered, but there are always areas that could use some extra attention. I have especially seen a need for presentations concerning Benefits, Compensation, and Reporting and Analytics.

So what else is holding you back from submitting a proposal? Are you worried your presentation is too technical? Don’t be! There are many attendees that would describe themselves as a “funky tech” and are looking for that extra bit of technical information. This can make for a very inclusive presentation drawing in not only HCM track attendees, but also technical track folks. Are you nervous about speaking in front of a crowd? This is great opportunity for personal and professional development. What better place to practice your public speaking than in front of your peers.

Submitting a presentation is easy and instructions are available on the HEUG website at

Here’s hoping to see you all soon in the city of brotherly love!