Please take a few moments to complete our survey Focus Areas - Survey - the deadline for completion is 15th February.
Thank you again to those of you who've responded to date, but we need many more responses please... This kind of data will help the HEUG to prioritise its efforts in terms of advocacy to Oracle, in terms of education (conference programmes, webinars, blogs...) and will also help you to connect with peers to share ideas and possibly even solutions.
Don't keep this survey to yourself - tell your colleagues about it - we welcome multiple responses from each institution or indeed multiple response from a single respondent.
Think big - what new or significantly changed processes are you being asked to support? Changes that will need a significant development of your system(s)?
Competency Based Education - one of the responses - is a great example. This is a topic we'll be looking at as part of the Summit and in some special sessions organised at Alliance. You'll be hearing more about this over the next couple of weeks. But what else is your institution focusing on?
We're really looking to find areas of common ground between institutions as we each embark on these projects. So why not leverage the collective 'power' of the HEUG... get YOUR topics of interest on OUR agenda... get the conversation started with other institutions and with Oracle... it has to be worth 5 minutes of your time?