Are you aware that we have an easy yet very effective way of influencing our products road maps? Yes, I am talking about ‘Ideas’ feature. Ideas space is a great platform for us to directly provide input to Oracle strategy and development teams. We can design our product with all the features we want; all we need to do is effectively use the Ideas space.
Ideas space is available in Community section of Oracle support site, Community pages look and feel has improved a lot over the years, it now is very user friendly with so many intuitive features. Anybody with an account in Oracle support site can access the Ideas page. Below are a few details on how to access page and a few tips &tricks for effective utilization of Ideas space. Please share if you have any more ideas on Ideas page!
Here is how you can access Ideas space:
1)Login to Oracle support portal.
2) Click on ‘Community’ tab on the homepage.
3)Community section will open in a new browser window. On the top left side of Community page, you can search for the space that you want to access. Direct links to the spaces will be added under 'Space' once you start 'following' any space.
4) Below is the screenshot of a sample space home page. Each space has multiple categories that can be a product or a major functional area in that product. Top ideas in that space are displayed on the right side of this page. (Top ideas are the ones with maximum votes in that space.)
5)Each idea has a voting score and status. There are several stages that an idea can be in. Ideas with ‘Delivered’ status indicate that feature is complete and available for us; ‘Active’ indicates that the idea is new and open for votes,;‘In progress’ indicates that the feature is being worked currently and closed for further voting. Please note that voting for ideas that are ‘under review’ is allowed.
Tips and Ticks:
- Creating a new idea is easy but please search in ideas space before you create a new idea; there could already be an idea created. Engage in already existing idea if it matches your requirement rather than creating new idea.
- Provide as many details as you can when creating a new idea; such as – business process, identified gap, use cases, screenshots, sample data, benefits of idea.
- Always remember – voting matters a lot. Ideas with maximum votes gets higher visibility. You can vote either 'up' in support of an idea or you can vote 'down' in opposing it.
- Follow an idea that you are interested in and actively participate in the discussions. Effective way of engaging in promoting an idea is not only just to vote but also to actively participate in the discussion and sharing the relevant information.
- Using comments section by adding use cases, examples, screenshots to support your voting is highly advisable. Like in social networking sites - you can like, reply to particular comment, or you can even report a particular content on this page.