Cathy Thompson
Conference Chair
Alliance Conferences Attended: 9
Favorite part of the Alliance conference? Networking and meeting new friends. The sharing of experiences, the good and the bad. Attending presentations that relate to what I do at my institution that have helped me when it comes to day-to-day tasks or participation in upgrades. Learning new ways to use the software.
Jason Koziara
Program Chair
Alliance Conferences Attended: 11+
Favorite part of the Alliance conference? The spirit of collaboration that you see among all of the attendees. We are all in the same boat and trying to figure out how to get it to shore together. I also have made so many good friends through the years – it’s so much fun to catch up with everyone at least once a year at the conference.
Jane Baratta
Past Conference Chair
Alliance Conferences Attended: 12
Favorite part of the Alliance conference? I love the networking and all the learning opportunities – from attending sessions and informal chats with colleagues old and new.
Joining the planning team this year:
Cheri McEntee
Conference Assistant
Alliance Conferences Attended: 12
Favorite part of the Alliance conference? My favorite part of the Alliance conferences are the session offerings. They are varied and I can attend a mix that fit my needs. I really enjoy hearing what approaches other schools have taken to issues we are trying to address. I find the conference is when I recharge. The conference gives me the opportunity to connect in person with colleagues from other institutions. Being able to put a face with a name on a posting is great. I have always loved the closing night activities. I look forward to what they will be like each year.
We'd love to hear from you! Comment below with how many Alliance conferences you've attended, your favorite parts of the conference, and/or goals for Alliance 2019...