
Steve Hahn Elected HEUG President (2013-14)

By Lew Conner posted 12-20-2012 12:27 PM


I am very pleased to announce that at the recent HEUG Board of Directors meeting held December 13-14, Steve Hahn from the University of Wisconsin, Madison was unanimously elected by his fellow board members to serve as HEUG President for the 2013-2014 term. 

steve hahn photo.jpg

Steve Hahn

HEUG Pres-Elect

Steve will replace outgoing President Ted Simpson (MICA) whose term will conclude at the end of the Alliance Conference in March.

Steve is finishing up his third year on the HEUG Board.  He has served as the Executive Vice President for External Relations and has been very active working on the HEUG Globalization strategy and implementation.  Steve has also served in this role as the liaison to the peer Oracle User groups from the International Oracle User Community (IOUC).

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01-23-2013 10:02 AM


This is very good news, both for the Board as for international members. A great man for a great job. iyi şanslar!

01-10-2013 02:23 PM

Hahn election

Great choice Board.  Steve's history and experience says he will do a really excellent job as HEUG's President.

12-21-2012 10:10 AM

Great choice!

We've been fortunate to have very good leaders serve as President of the HEUG.  Steve is another great choice who can help continue to guide us through this period of global expansion.