Call for Proposals is EXTENDED!
The NERUG Call for Proposals deadline is approaching fast. Putting a strong proposal together is easy and only takes 30 minutes. Not to mention, being a presenter has a huge payoff, a free registration! If you think you have knowledge in Admissions, Academic Advisement, Campus Community, Student Records, Financial Aid, Human Resources, General Interest, Student Financials/Financials, and/or Technical areas, please submit. You have the best knowledge to offer as you have been in the shoes of your fellow HEUG members.
Submission Deadline is 7/13, at Midnight!
Submit Now →
Have a question but don't know who to ask? We have a sub-committee of members who are happy to assist you with your proposal questions!
We all have something to learn and something to teach each other. Here is your chance to help others by presenting on a topic that you do well, some lessons learned, your thoughts on where the future is taking your ERP.