
Shared HCM-CS Tables

By Jeffrey Yazdi posted 06-07-2010 06:43 AM


Traditionally, Oracle has delivered Campus Solutions (CS) and Human Capital Management (HCM) with the ability to install both products in one single database instance.  This allowed for data to be easily shared between both products due to the fact that they both accessed the same tables to store Bio/Demo data, Locations, etc.  This approach was delivered by Oracle up until version 9.0 of both CS and HCM.

With the release of Human Capital Management 9.1, Oracle has made the decision to split Campus Solutions and HCM into two separate instances.  This means that organizations currently running CS/HCM9.0 in one instance will need to split their system into two separate instances when upgrading to CS 9.0 and HCM 9.1.  One of the major impacts of this split is that the two products no longer share the same database tables, and as such in order to share information they will need to be integrated in some fashion (i.e. messaging). 

Both Oracle and the HEUG have several resources which can be used to find information on how to integrate CS 9.0 and HCM 9.1.  However, Oracle does not have any documentation which lists the tables shared between CS and HCM.  This information will be very important for organizations to plan and budget their upgrades. 

The focus of this article is to list the components shared between CS and HCM version 9.0.  A follow-up document will contain a listing of the tables associated with each of these components.  The following components are shared between CS and HCM:


Search Match
·         HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Biographical > Add a Person

·         CS Navigation: Campus Community Personal Information > Search/Match


Biographical Demographic Data (Bio Demo)
·         Add a Person
o        HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person

o        CS Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update a Person

·         Phone

o        HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person

o        CS Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Address/Phone

·         Address

o        HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person

o        CS Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical >   Addresses/Phones > Addresses

·         Email

o        HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person

o        CS Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical >   Addresses/Phones > Electronic Addresses

·         Emergency Contact

o        HR Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Personal Relationships > Emergency Contact

o        CS Navigation: Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Emergency Contacts


Biographical Demographic Data Setup
·         EmplID
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Install > Installation Table
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (But used for EmplID Counter)
·         Names Setup

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Type

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Prefix Table

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Suffix

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Title Table
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (But used throughout CS)
·         Address Type  Setup

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > Address Type

o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used in many areas of CS – including Address Usage Table, Add Update Person, Address and Phone Numbers)


·         National ID Type

o        HR Navigation:  Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Personal > National ID Type

o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used when adding a Visa info in CS - Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Citizenship > Visa Permit Data)

·          Visa Setup

o        HR Navigation:  Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Administration >Visas/Permits

o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used when adding a Visa info in CS - Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Citizenship > Visa Permit Data)

·         Citizenship Setup

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Person > Citizen Status

o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used when adding a Citizenship info in CS - Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Citizenship > Citizenship and Passport)

·         Drivers License Type Setup

o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Driver's License Type

o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used when adding a Driver’s License in CS - Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Driver's License Data)


·         Currency Code
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Currency and Market Rates > Currency Code
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used in CS – Specifically SF)



Holiday Schedule
·         Holiday Schedule
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization > Holiday Schedule
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but used in CS Schedules)


Organization Location
·         Location
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization >              Location
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but is used in Facility Setup - Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Facilities > Facility Table)


Student T4s
·         Company
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Foundation Tables > Organization >              Company
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but is used in T4 Setup in SF - Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit)
·         Balance ID
o        HR Navigation:?
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but is used in T4 Setup in SF - Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit)
·         Wage Loss Plan
o        HR Navigation: Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Canadian Taxes > Wage Loss Plan Table
o        CS Navigation: Not Applicable (but is used in T4 Setup in SF - Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit)



Relationships functionality (what is the table)


Financial Assistance
·         Student Work-Term


Student Refund
·         Refunds through Payroll
o        Business Unit for HRMS (Setup in HR)
o        Company (Setup in HR)
o        Pay Group (Setup in HR)
o        Department (Setup in HR)
o        Job Code (Setup in HR)

o        Position Number (Setup in HR)

The purpose of this blog entry is to encourage dialogue and discussion.  For specific inquires, please contact:

Aaron Williams

Senior Consultant

Deloitte Inc Canada